Vocabulary : Caustically to Cauterization
Caustically : In a caustic manner.
Causticily : The quality of being caustic; corrosiveness; as, the causticity of potash. ;; Severity of language; sarcasm; as, the causticity of a reply or remark.
Causticness : The quality of being caustic; causticity.
Cautel : Caution; prudence; wariness. ;; Craft; deceit; falseness.
Cautelous : Caution; prudent; wary. ;; Crafty; deceitful; false.
Cauter : A hot iron for searing or cauterizing.
Cauterant : A cauterizing substance.
Cauteries : of Cautery
Cauterism : The use or application of a caustic; cautery.
Cauterization : The act of searing some morbid part by the application of a cautery or caustic; also, the effect of such application.
: Cauterize, Cauterized, Cauterizing, Cautery, Caution, Cautionary, Cautionary block, Cautioned, Cautioner, Cautioning
: Causerie, Causeuse, Causeway, Causewayed, Causey, Causeyed, Causidical, Causing, Caustic, Caustical
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary