Vocabulary : Cautionry to Cavalierly
Cautionry : Suretyship.
Cautious : Attentive to examine probable effects and consequences of acts with a view to avoid danger or misfortune; prudent; circumspect; wary; watchful; as, a cautious general.
Cautiously : In a cautious manner.
Cautiousness : The quality of being cautious.
Cavalcade : A procession of persons on horseback; a formal, pompous march of horsemen by way of parade.
Cavalero : Alt. of Cavaliero
Cavalier : A military man serving on horseback; a knight. ;; A gay, sprightly, military man; hence, a gallant. ;; One of the court party in the time of king Charles I. as contrasted with a Roundhead or an adherent of Parliament. ;; A work of more than ordinary height, rising from the level ground of a bastion, etc., and overlooking surrounding parts. ;; Gay; easy; offhand; frank. ;; High-spirited. ;; Supercilious; haughty; disdainful; curt; brusque. ;; Of or pertaining to the party of King Charles I.
Cavalierish : Somewhat like a cavalier.
Cavalierism : The practice or principles of cavaliers.
Cavalierly : In a supercilious, disdainful, or haughty manner; arrogantly.
: Cavalierness, Cavaliero, Cavally, Cavalry, Cavalryman, Cavatina, Cave, Caveat, Caveating, Caveator
: Cauterize, Cauterized, Cauterizing, Cautery, Caution, Cautionary, Cautionary block, Cautioned, Cautioner, Cautioning
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary