Vocabulary : Cavalierness to Caveator
Cavalierness : A disdainful manner.
Cavaliero : A cavalier; a gallant; a libertine.
Cavally : A carangoid fish of the Atlantic coast (Caranx hippos): -- called also horse crevalle. [See Illust. under Carangoid.]
Cavalry : That part of military force which serves on horseback.
Cavalryman : One of a body of cavalry.
Cavatina : Originally, a melody of simpler form than the aria; a song without a second part and a da capo; -- a term now variously and vaguely used.
Cave : A hollow place in the earth, either natural or artificial; a subterraneous cavity; a cavern; a den. ;; Any hollow place, or part; a cavity. ;; To make hollow; to scoop out. ;; To dwell in a cave. ;; To fall in or down; as, the sand bank caved. Hence (Slang), to retreat from a position; to give way; to yield in a disputed matter. ;; A coalition or group of seceders from a political party, as from the Liberal party in England in 1866. See Adullam, Cave of, in the Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction.
Caveat : A notice given by an interested party to some officer not to do a certain act until the party is heard in opposition; as, a caveat entered in a probate court to stop the proving of a will or the taking out of letters of administration, etc. ;; A description of some invention, designed to be patented, lodged in the patent office before the patent right is applied for, and operating as a bar to the issue of letters patent to any other person, respecting the same invention. ;; Intimation of caution; warning; protest.
Caveating : Shifting the sword from one side of an adversary's sword to the other.
Caveator : One who enters a caveat.
: Caved, Cavendish, Cavern, Caverned, Cavernous, Cavernulous, Cavesson, Cavetto, Cavezon, Caviar
: Cautionry, Cautious, Cautiously, Cautiousness, Cavalcade, Cavalero, Cavalier, Cavalierish, Cavalierism, Cavalierly
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary