Vocabulary : Chervil to Chesses
Chervil : A plant (Anthriscus cerefolium) with pinnately divided aromatic leaves, of which several curled varieties are used in soups and salads.
Ches : pret. of Chese.
Chese : To choose
Chesible : See Chasuble.
Cheslip : The wood louse.
Chess : A game played on a chessboard, by two persons, with two differently colored sets of men, sixteen in each set. Each player has a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two castles or rooks, and eight pawns. ;; A species of brome grass (Bromus secalinus) which is a troublesome weed in wheat fields, and is often erroneously regarded as degenerate or changed wheat; it bears a very slight resemblance to oats, and if reaped and ground up with wheat, so as to be used for food, is said to produce narcotic effects; -- called also cheat and Willard's bromus.
Chess-apple : The wild service of Europe (Purus torminalis).
Chessboard : The board used in the game of chess, having eight rows of alternate light and dark squares, eight in each row. See Checkerboard.
Chessel : The wooden mold in which cheese is pressed.
Chesses : The platforms, consisting of two or more planks doweled together, for the flooring of a temporary military bridge.
: Chessil, Chessman, Chessmen, Chessom, Chesstree, Chessy copper, Chest, Chest founder, Chested, Chesterlite
: Chersonese, Chert, Cherty, Cherub, Cherubic, Cherubical, Cherubim, Cherubin, Cherubs, Cherup
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary