Vocabulary : Chessil to Chesterlite
Chessil : Gravel or pebbles.
Chessman : A piece used in the game of chess.
Chessmen : of Chessman
Chessom : Mellow earth; mold.
Chesstree : A piece of oak bolted perpendicularly on the side of a vessel, to aid in drawing down and securing the clew of the mainsail.
Chessy copper : The mineral azurite, found in fine crystallization at Chessy, near Lyons; called also chessylite.
Chest : A large box of wood, or other material, having, like a trunk, a lid, but no covering of skin, leather, or cloth. ;; A coffin. ;; The part of the body inclosed by the ribs and breastbone; the thorax. ;; A case in which certain goods, as tea, opium, etc., are transported; hence, the quantity which such a case contains. ;; A tight receptacle or box, usually for holding gas, steam, liquids, etc.; as, the steam chest of an engine; the wind chest of an organ. ;; To deposit in a chest; to hoard. ;; To place in a coffin. ;; Strife; contention; controversy.
Chest founder : A rheumatic affection of the muscles of the breast and fore legs of a horse, affecting motion and respiration.
Chested : of Chest ;; Having (such) a chest; -- in composition; as, broad-chested; narrow-chested.
Chesterlite : A variety of feldspar found in crystals in the county of Chester, Pennsylvania.
: Chesteyn, Chestnut, Chetah, Chetvert, Chevachie, Chevage, Cheval, Cheval-de-frise, Chevalier, Chevaux
: Chervil, Ches, Chese, Chesible, Cheslip, Chess, Chess-apple, Chessboard, Chessel, Chesses
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary