Vocabulary : Childbearing to Childish
Childbearing : The act of producing or bringing forth children; parturition.
Childbed : The state of a woman bringing forth a child, or being in labor; parturition.
Childbirth : The act of bringing forth a child; travail; labor.
Childcrowing : The crowing noise made by children affected with spasm of the laryngeal muscles; false croup.
Childe : A cognomen formerly prefixed to his name by the oldest son, until he succeeded to his ancestral titles, or was knighted; as, Childe Roland.
Childed : of Child ;; Furnished with a child.
Childermas day : A day (December 28) observed by mass or festival in commemoration of the children slain by Herod at Bethlehem; -- called also Holy Innocent's Day.
Childhood : The state of being a child; the time in which persons are children; the condition or time from infancy to puberty. ;; Children, taken collectively. ;; The commencement; the first period.
Childing : of Child ;; Bearing Children; (Fig.) productive; fruitful.
Childish : Of, pertaining to, befitting, or resembling, a child. ;; Puerile; trifling; weak.
: Childishly, Childishness, Childlessness, Childlike, Childly, Childness, Children, Childship, Chilean, Chilean pine
: Chignon, Chigoe, Chigre, Chih fu, Chih hsien, Chih tai, Chikara, Chilblain, Child, Child study
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary