Vocabulary : Childishly to Chilean pine

Childishly : In the manner of a child; in a trifling way; in a weak or foolish manner.
Childishness : The state or quality of being childish; simplicity; harmlessness; weakness of intellect.
Childlessness : The state of being childless.
Childlike : Resembling a child, or that which belongs to children; becoming a child; meek; submissive; dutiful.
Childly : Having the character of a child; belonging, or appropriate, to a child. ;; Like a child.
Childness : The manner characteristic of a child.
Children : of Child ;; pl. of Child.
Childship : The state or relation of being a child.
Chilean : Of or pertaining to Chile. ;; A native or resident of Chile; Chilian.
Chilean pine : Same as Monkey-puzzle.
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