Vocabulary : Choky Chokey to Cholera
Choky Chokey : Tending to choke or suffocate, or having power to suffocate. ;; Inclined to choke, as a person affected with strong emotion.
Cholaemaa : A disease characterized by severe nervous symptoms, dependent upon the presence of the constituents of the bile in the blood.
Cholagogue : Promoting the discharge of bile from the system. ;; An agent which promotes the discharge of bile from the system.
Cholate : A salt of cholic acid; as, sodium cholate.
Cholecystis : The gall bladder.
Cholecystotomy : The operation of making an opening in the gall bladder, as for the removal of a gallstone.
Choledology : A treatise on the bile and bilary organs.
Choleic : Pertaining to, or obtained from, bile; as, choleic acid.
Choler : The bile; -- formerly supposed to be the seat and cause of irascibility. ;; Irritation of the passions; anger; wrath.
Cholera : One of several diseases affecting the digestive and intestinal tract and more or less dangerous to life, esp. the one commonly called Asiatic cholera.
: Choleraic, Choleric, Cholericly, Choleriform, Cholerine, Choleroid, Cholesteric, Cholesterin, Choliamb, Choliambic
: Chokeboring, Chokecherry, Choked, Chokedar, Choke-full, Choker, Choke-strap, Choking, Choking coil, Choky
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary