Vocabulary : Choleraic to Choliambic
Choleraic : Relating to, or resulting from, or resembling, cholera.
Choleric : Abounding with, or producing choler, or bile. ;; Easily irritated; irascible; inclined to anger. ;; Angry; indicating anger; excited by anger.
Cholericly : In a choleric manner; angrily.
Choleriform : Resembling cholera.
Cholerine : The precursory symptoms of cholera. ;; The first stage of epidemic cholera. ;; A mild form of cholera.
Choleroid : Choleriform.
Cholesteric : Pertaining to cholesterin, or obtained from it; as, cholesteric acid.
Cholesterin : A white, fatty, crystalline substance, tasteless and odorless, found in animal and plant products and tissue, and especially in nerve tissue, in the bile, and in gallstones.
Choliamb : Alt. of Choliambic
Choliambic : A verse having an iambus in the fifth place, and a spondee in the sixth or last.
: Cholic, Choline, Cholinic, Cholochrome, Cholophaein, Choltry, Chomage, Chomp, Chondrification, Chondrify
: Choky Chokey, Cholaemaa, Cholagogue, Cholate, Cholecystis, Cholecystotomy, Choledology, Choleic, Choler, Cholera
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary