Vocabulary : Choruses to Chouka
Choruses : of Chorus
Chorusing : of Chorus
Chose : of Choose ;; of Choose ;; A thing; personal property. ;; imp. & p. p. of Choose.
Chosen : of Choose ;; Selected from a number; picked out; choice. ;; One who, or that which is the object of choice or special favor.
Choses : of Chose
Chou : A cabbage. ;; A kind of light pastry, usually in the form of a small round cake, and with a filling, as of jelly or cream. ;; A bunch, knot, or rosette of ribbon or other material, used as an ornament in women's dress.
Chouan : One of the royalist insurgents in western France (Brittany, etc.), during and after the French revolution.
Chough : A bird of the Crow family (Fregilus graculus) of Europe. It is of a black color, with a long, slender, curved bill and red legs; -- also called chauk, chauk-daw, chocard, Cornish chough, red-legged crow. The name is also applied to several allied birds, as the Alpine chough.
Chouicha : The salmon of the Columbia River or California. See Quinnat.
Chouka : The Indian four-horned antelope; the chikara.
: Choule, Choultry, Chouse, Choused, Chousing, Chout, Choux, Chow, Chowchow, Chowder
: Chorographical, Chorography, Choroid, Choroidal, Chorology, Chorometry, Chortle, Chortled, Chorus, Chorused
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary