Vocabulary : Choule to Chowder

Choule : See Jowl.
Choultry : See Choltry.
Chouse : To cheat, trick, defraud; -- followed by of, or out of; as, to chouse one out of his money. ;; One who is easily cheated; a tool; a simpleton; a gull. ;; A trick; sham; imposition. ;; A swindler.
Choused : of Chouse
Chousing : of Chouse
Chout : An assessment equal to a fourth part of the revenue.
Choux : of Chou
Chow : A prefecture or district of the second rank in China, or the chief city of such a district; -- often part of the name of a city, as in Foochow.
Chowchow : Consisting of several kinds mingled together; mixed; as, chowchow sweetmeats (preserved fruits put together). ;; A kind of mixed pickles.
Chowder : A dish made of fresh fish or clams, biscuit, onions, etc., stewed together. ;; A seller of fish. ;; To make a chowder of.
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