Vocabulary : Chowry to Chrismation
Chowry : A whisk to keep off files, used in the East Indies.
Chowter : To grumble or mutter like a froward child.
Choy root : See Chay root.
Chrematistics : The science of wealth; the science, or a branch of the science, of political economy.
Chreotechnics : The science of the useful arts, esp. agriculture, manufactures, and commerce.
Chrestomathic : Teaching what is useful.
Chrestomathy : A selection of passages, with notes, etc., to be used in acquiring a language; as, a Hebrew chrestomathy.
Chrism : Olive oil mixed with balm and spices, consecrated by the bishop on Maundy Thursday, and used in the administration of baptism, confirmation, ordination, etc. ;; The same as Chrisom.
Chrismal : Of or pertaining to or used in chrism.
Chrismation : The act of applying the chrism, or consecrated oil.
: Chrismatory, Chrisom, Christ, Christcross, Christcross-row, Christen, Christendom, Christened, Christening, Christian
: Choule, Choultry, Chouse, Choused, Chousing, Chout, Choux, Chow, Chowchow, Chowder
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary