Vocabulary : Chronophotograph to Chrysaurin
Chronophotograph : One of a set of photographs of a moving object, taken for the purpose of recording and exhibiting successive phases of the motion.
Chronoscope : An instrument for measuring minute intervals of time; used in determining the velocity of projectiles, the duration of short-lived luminous phenomena, etc.
Chrysalid : Pertaining to a chrysalis; resembling a chrysalis. ;; See Chrysalis.
Chrysalides : of Chrysalis
Chrysalids : of Chrysalid
Chrysalis : The pupa state of certain insects, esp. of butterflies, from which the perfect insect emerges. See Pupa, and Aurelia (a).
Chrysaniline : A yellow substance obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of rosaniline. It dyes silk a fine golden-yellow color.
Chrysanthemum : A genus of composite plants, mostly perennial, and of many species including the many varieties of garden chrysanthemums (annual and perennial), and also the feverfew and the oxeye daisy.
Chrysarobin : A bitter, yellow substance forming the essential constituent of Goa powder, and yielding chrysophanic acid proper; hence formerly called also chrysphanic acid.
Chrysaurin : An orange-colored dyestuff, of artificial production.
: Chryselephantine, Chrysene, Chrysoberyl, Chrysochlore, Chrysocolla, Chrysogen, Chrysography, Chrysoidine, Chrysolite, Chrysology
: Chronologic, Chronological, Chronologies, Chronologist, Chronology, Chronometer, Chronometric, Chronometrical, Chronometry, Chronopher
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary