Vocabulary : Chryselephantine to Chrysology

Chryselephantine : Composed of, or adorned with, gold and ivory.
Chrysene : One of the higher aromatic hydrocarbons of coal tar, allied to naphthalene and anthracene. It is a white crystalline substance, C18H12, of strong blue fluorescence, but generally colored yellow by impurities.
Chrysoberyl : A mineral, found in crystals, of a yellow to green or brown color, and consisting of aluminia and glucina. It is very hard, and is often used as a gem.
Chrysochlore : A South African mole of the genus Chrysochloris; the golden mole, the fur of which reflects brilliant metallic hues of green and gold.
Chrysocolla : A hydrous silicate of copper, occurring massive, of a blue or greenish blue color.
Chrysogen : A yellow crystalline substance extracted from crude anthracene.
Chrysography : The art of writing in letters of gold. ;; A writing executed in letters of gold.
Chrysoidine : An artificial, yellow, crystalline dye, C6H5N2.C6H3(NH2)2. Also, one of a group of dyestuffs resembling chrysoidine proper.
Chrysolite : A mineral, composed of silica, magnesia, and iron, of a yellow to green color. It is common in certain volcanic rocks; -- called also olivine and peridot. Sometimes used as a gem. The name was also early used for yellow varieties of tourmaline and topaz.
Chrysology : That branch of political economy which relates to the production of wealth.
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