Vocabulary : Circumstantial to Circumvallation
Circumstantial : Consisting in, or pertaining to, circumstances or particular incidents. ;; Incidental; relating to, but not essential. ;; Abounding with circumstances; detailing or exhibiting all the circumstances; minute; particular. ;; Something incidental to the main subject, but of less importance; opposed to an essential; -- generally in the plural; as, the circumstantials of religion.
Circumstantiality : The state, characteristic, or quality of being circumstantial; particularity or minuteness of detail.
Circumstantially : In respect to circumstances; not essentially; accidentally. ;; In every circumstance or particular; minutely.
Circumstantiate : To place in particular circumstances; to invest with particular accidents or adjuncts. ;; To prove or confirm by circumstances; to enter into details concerning.
Circumstantiated : of Circumstantiate
Circumstantiating : of Circumstantiate
Circumterraneous : Being or dwelling around the earth.
Circumundulate : To flow round, as waves.
Circumvallate : To surround with a rampart or wall. ;; Surrounded with a wall; inclosed with a rampart. ;; Surrounded by a ridge or elevation; as, the circumvallate papillae, near the base of the tongue.
Circumvallation : The act of surrounding with a wall or rampart. ;; A line of field works made around a besieged place and the besieging army, to protect the camp of the besiegers against the attack of an enemy from without.
: Circumvection, Circumvent, Circumvented, Circumventing, Circumvention, Circumventive, Circumventor, Circumvest, Circumvolant, Circumvolation
: Circumspect, Circumspection, Circumspective, Circumspectively, Circumspectly, Circumspectness, Circumstance, Circumstanced, Circumstant, Circumstantiable
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary