Vocabulary : Circumvection to Circumvolation
Circumvection : The act of carrying anything around, or the state of being so carried.
Circumvent : To gain advantage over by arts, stratagem, or deception; to decieve; to delude; to get around.
Circumvented : of Circumvent
Circumventing : of Circumvent
Circumvention : The act of prevailing over another by arts, address, or fraud; deception; fraud; imposture; delusion.
Circumventive : Tending to circumvent; deceiving by artifices; deluding.
Circumventor : One who circumvents; one who gains his purpose by cunning.
Circumvest : To cover round, as with a garment; to invest.
Circumvolant : Flying around.
Circumvolation : The act of flying round.
: Circumvolution, Circumvolve, Circumvolved, Circumvolving, Circus, Circuses, Cirl bunting, Cirque, Cirrate, Cirrhiferous
: Circumstantial, Circumstantiality, Circumstantially, Circumstantiate, Circumstantiated, Circumstantiating, Circumterraneous, Circumundulate, Circumvallate, Circumvallation
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary