Vocabulary : Cissoid to Cital
Cissoid : A curve invented by Diocles, for the purpose of solving two celebrated problems of the higher geometry; viz., to trisect a plane angle, and to construct two geometrical means between two given straight lines.Cist : A box or chest. Specifically: (a) A bronze receptacle, round or oval, frequently decorated with engravings on the sides and cover, and with feet, handles, etc., of decorative castings. (b) A cinerary urn. See Illustration in Appendix. ;; See Cyst.
Cisted : Inclosed in a cyst. See Cysted.
Cistercian : A monk of the prolific branch of the Benedictine Order, established in 1098 at Citeaux, in France, by Robert, abbot of Molesme. For two hundred years the Cistercians followed the rule of St. Benedict in all its rigor. ;; Of or pertaining to the Cistercians.
Cistern : An artificial reservoir or tank for holding water, beer, or other liquids. ;; A natural reservoir; a hollow place containing water.