Vocabulary : Citation to Cithern
Citation : An official summons or notice given to a person to appear; the paper containing such summons or notice. ;; The act of citing a passage from a book, or from another person, in his own words; also, the passage or words quoted; quotation. ;; Enumeration; mention; as, a citation of facts. ;; A reference to decided cases, or books of authority, to prove a point in law.Citator : One who cites.
Citatory : Having the power or form of a citation; as, letters citatory.
Cite : To call upon officially or authoritatively to appear, as before a court; to summon. ;; To urge; to enjoin. ;; To quote; to repeat, as a passage from a book, or the words of another. ;; To refer to or specify, as for support, proof, illustration, or confirmation. ;; To bespeak; to indicate. ;; To notify of a proceeding in court.
Cited : of Cite