Vocabulary : Cockroach to Cockup
Cockroach : An orthopterous insect of the genus Blatta, and allied genera.
Cockscomb : See Coxcomb. ;; A plant (Celosia cristata), of many varieties, cultivated for its broad, fantastic spikes of brilliant flowers; -- sometimes called garden cockscomb. Also the Pedicularis, or lousewort, the Rhinanthus Crista-galli, and the Onobrychis Crista-galli.
Cockshead : A leguminous herb (Onobrychis Caput-galli), having small spiny-crested pods.
Cockshut : A kind of net to catch woodcock.
Cockshy : A game in which trinkets are set upon sticks, to be thrown at by the players; -- so called from an ancient popular sport which consisted in "shying" or throwing cudgels at live cocks. ;; An object at which stones are flung.
Cockspur : A variety of Crataegus, or hawthorn (C. Crus-galli), having long, straight thorns; -- called also Cockspur thorn.
Cocksure : Perfectly safe. ;; Quite certain.
Cockswain : The steersman of a boat; a petty officer who has charge of a boat and its crew.
Cocktail : A beverage made of brandy, whisky, or gin, iced, flavored, and sweetened. ;; A horse, not of pure breed, but having only one eighth or one sixteenth impure blood in his veins. ;; A mean, half-hearted fellow; a coward. ;; A species of rove beetle; -- so called from its habit of elevating the tail.
Cockup : A large, highly esteemed, edible fish of India (Lates calcarifer); -- also called begti.
: Cockweed, Cocky, Cockyolly, Cockyoly, bird, Cocleariform, Coco, Coco palm, Cocoa, Cocoa palm, Cocoanut
: Cockloft, Cockmatch, Cockney, Cockneydom, Cockneyfy, Cockneyish, Cockneyism, Cockneys, Cock-padle, Cockpit
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary