Vocabulary : Cockweed to Cocoanut
Cockweed : Peppergrass.
Cocky : Pert.
Cockyolly : Alt. of Cockyoly, bird
Cockyoly, bird : A pet name for any small bird.
Cocleariform : Spoon-shaped.
Coco : Alt. of Coco palm
Coco palm : See Cocoa.
Cocoa : Alt. of Cocoa palm ;; A preparation made from the seeds of the chocolate tree, and used in making, a beverage; also the beverage made from cocoa or cocoa shells.
Cocoa palm : A palm tree producing the cocoanut (Cocos nucifera). It grows in nearly all tropical countries, attaining a height of sixty or eighty feet. The trunk is without branches, and has a tuft of leaves at the top, each being fifteen or twenty feet in length, and at the base of these the nuts hang in clusters; the cocoanut tree.
Cocoanut : The large, hard-shelled nut of the cocoa palm. It yields an agreeable milky liquid and a white meat or albumen much used as food and in making oil.
: Cocobolas, Cocobolo, Cocoon, Cocoonery, Coctible, Coctile, Coction, Cocus wood, Cod, Cod liver
: Cockroach, Cockscomb, Cockshead, Cockshut, Cockshy, Cockspur, Cocksure, Cockswain, Cocktail, Cockup
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary