Vocabulary : Colliquable to Collision
Colliquable : Liable to melt, grow soft, or become fluid.
Colliquament : The first rudiments of an embryo in generation.
Colliquate : To change from solid to fluid; to make or become liquid; to melt.
Colliquated : of Colliquate
Colliquating : of Colliquate
Colliquation : A melting together; the act of melting; fusion. ;; A processive wasting or melting away of the solid parts of the animal system with copious excretions of liquids by one or more passages.
Colliquative : Causing rapid waste or exhaustion; melting; as, colliquative sweats.
Colliquefaction : A melting together; the reduction of different bodies into one mass by fusion.
Collish : A tool to polish the edge of a sole.
Collision : The act of striking together; a striking together, as of two hard bodies; a violent meeting, as of railroad trains; a clashing. ;; A state of opposition; antagonism; interference.
: Collisive, Collitigant, Collocate, Collocated, Collocating, Collocation, Collocution, Collocutor, Collodion, Collodionize
: Collimated, Collimating, Collimation, Collimator, Collin, Colline, Collineation, Colling, Collingly, Collingual
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary