Vocabulary : Collisive to Collodionize
Collisive : Colliding; clashing.
Collitigant : Disputing or wrangling. ;; One who litigates or wrangles.
Collocate : Set; placed. ;; To set or place; to set; to station.
Collocated : of Collocate
Collocating : of Collocate
Collocation : The act of placing; the state of being placed with something else; disposition in place; arrangement.
Collocution : A speaking or conversing together; conference; mutual discourse.
Collocutor : One of the speakers in a dialogue.
Collodion : A solution of pyroxylin (soluble gun cotton) in ether containing a varying proportion of alcohol. It is strongly adhesive, and is used by surgeons as a coating for wounds; but its chief application is as a vehicle for the sensitive film in photography.
Collodionize : To prepare or treat with collodion.
: Collodiotype, Collodium, Collogue, Colloid, Colloidal, Colloidality, Collop, Colloped, Collophore, Colloquial
: Colliquable, Colliquament, Colliquate, Colliquated, Colliquating, Colliquation, Colliquative, Colliquefaction, Collish, Collision
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary