Vocabulary : Come-along to Comedy

Come-along : A gripping device, as for stretching wire, etc., consisting of two jaws so attached to a ring that they are closed by pulling on the ring.
Co-meddle : To mix; to mingle, to temper.
Comedian : An actor or player in comedy. ;; A writer of comedy.
Comedienne : A women who plays in comedy.
Comedies : of Comedy
Comedietta : A dramatic sketch; a brief comedy.
Comedo : A small nodule or cystic tumor, common on the nose, etc., which on pressure allows the escape of a yellow wormlike mass of retained oily secretion, with a black head (dirt).
Comedones : of Comedo
Comedown : A downfall; an humiliation.
Comedy : A dramatic composition, or representation of a bright and amusing character, based upon the foibles of individuals, the manners of society, or the ludicrous events or accidents of life; a play in which mirth predominates and the termination of the plot is happy; -- opposed to tragedy.
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