Vocabulary : Comelily to Comet- seeker

Comelily : In a suitable or becoming manner.
Comeliness : The quality or state of being comely.
Comely : Pleasing or agreeable to the sight; well-proportioned; good-looking; handsome. ;; Suitable or becoming; proper; agreeable. ;; In a becoming manner.
Come-outer : One who comes out or withdraws from a religious or other organization; a radical reformer.
Comer : One who comes, or who has come; one who has arrived, and is present.
Comes : The answer to the theme (dux) in a fugue.
Comessation : A reveling; a rioting.
Comestible : Suitable to be eaten; eatable; esculent. ;; Something suitable to be eaten; -- commonly in the plural.
Comet : A member of the solar system which usually moves in an elongated orbit, approaching very near to the sun in its perihelion, and receding to a very great distance from it at its aphelion. A comet commonly consists of three parts: the nucleus, the envelope, or coma, and the tail; but one or more of these parts is frequently wanting. See Illustration in Appendix.
Comet- seeker : A telescope of low power, having a large field of view, used for finding comets.
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