Vocabulary : Cometarium to Comfiture
Cometarium : An instrument, intended to represent the revolution of a comet round the sun.
Cometary : Pertaining to, or resembling, a comet.
Comet-finder : Alt. of Comet- seeker
Comether : Matter; affair. ;; Friendly communication or association.
Cometic : Relating to a comet.
Cometographer : One who describes or writes about comets.
Cometography : A description of, or a treatise concerning, comets.
Cometology : The department of astronomy relating to comets.
Comfit : A dry sweetmeat; any kind of fruit, root, or seed preserved with sugar and dried; a confection. ;; To preserve dry with sugar.
Comfiture : See Comfit, n.
: Comfort, Comfortable, Comfortableness, Comfortably, Comforted, Comforter, Comforting., Comfortless, Comfortment, Comfortress
: Comelily, Comeliness, Comely, Come-outer, Comer, Comes, Comessation, Comestible, Comet, Comet- seeker
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary