Vocabulary : Commercing to Comminute
Commercing : of Commerce
Commigrate : To migrate together.
Commigration : Migration together.
Commination : A threat or threatening; a denunciation of punishment or vengeance. ;; An office in the liturgy of the Church of England, used on Ash Wednesday, containing a recital of God's anger and judgments against sinners.
Comminatory : Threatening or denouncing punishment; as, comminatory terms.
Commingle : To mingle together; to mix in one mass, or intimately; to blend.
Commingled : of Commingle
Commingler : One that commingles; specif., a device for noiseless heating of water by steam, in a vessel filled with a porous mass, as of pebbles.
Commingling : of Commingle
Comminute : To reduce to minute particles, or to a fine powder; to pulverize; to triturate; to grind; as, to comminute chalk or bones; to comminute food with the teeth.
: Comminuted, Comminuting, Comminution, Commiserable, Commiserate, Commiserated, Commiserating, Commiseration, Commiserative, Commiserator
: Commented, Commenter, Commenting, Commentitious, Commerce, Commerce destroyer, Commerced, Commercial, Commercialism, Commercially
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary