Vocabulary : Comminuted to Commiserator

Comminuted : of Comminute
Comminuting : of Comminute
Comminution : The act of reducing to a fine powder or to small particles; pulverization; the state of being comminuted. ;; Fracture (of a bone) into a number of pieces. ;; Gradual diminution by the removal of small particles at a time; a lessening; a wearing away.
Commiserable : Pitiable.
Commiserate : To feel sorrow, pain, or regret for; to pity.
Commiserated : of Commiserate
Commiserating : of Commiserate
Commiseration : The act of commiserating; sorrow for the wants, afflictions, or distresses of another; pity; compassion.
Commiserative : Feeling or expressing commiseration.
Commiserator : One who pities.
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