Vocabulary : Contrahent to Contraplex
Contrahent : Entering into covenant; contracting; as, contrahent parties.
Contraindicant : Something, as a symptom, indicating that the usual mode of treatment is not to be followed.
Contraindicate : To indicate, as by a symptom, some method of treatment contrary to that which the general tenor of the case would seem to require.
Contraindicated : of Contraindicate
Contraindicating : of Contraindicate
Contraindication : An indication or symptom which forbids the method of treatment usual in such cases.
Contralto : The part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices; the alto or counter tenor. ;; the voice or singer performing this part; as, her voice is a contralto; she is a contralto. ;; Of or pertaining to a contralto, or to the part in music called contralto; as, a contralto voice.
Contramure : An outer wall.
Contranatural : Opposed to or against nature; unnatural.
Contraplex : Pertaining to the sending of two messages in opposite directions at the same time.
: Contraposition, Contraption, Contrapuntal, Contrapuntist, Contraremonstrant, Contrariant, Contrariantly, Contraries, Contrarieties, Contrariety
: Contradictoriness, Contradictory, Contradistinct, Contradistinction, Contradistinctive, Contradistinguish, Contradistinguished, Contradistinguishing, Contrafagetto, Contrafissure
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary