Vocabulary : Contraposition to Contrariety
Contraposition : A placing over against; opposite position. ;; A so-called immediate inference which consists in denying the original subject of the contradictory predicate; e.g.: Every S is P; therefore, no Not-P is S.
Contraption : A contrivance; a new-fangled device; -- used scornfully.
Contrapuntal : Pertaining to, or according to the rules of, counterpoint.
Contrapuntist : One skilled in counterpoint.
Contraremonstrant : One who remonstrates in opposition or answer to a remonstrant.
Contrariant : Contrary; opposed; antagonistic; inconsistent; contradictory.
Contrariantly : Contrarily.
Contraries : Propositions which directly and destructively contradict each other, but of which the falsehood of one does not establish the truth of the other. ;; of Contrary
Contrarieties : of Contrariety
Contrariety : The state or quality of being contrary; opposition; repugnance; disagreement; antagonism. ;; Something which is contrary to, or inconsistent with, something else; an inconsistency.
: Contrarily, Contrariness, Contrarious, Contrariously, Contrariwise, Contrarotation, Contrarry, Contrary, Contrast, Contrasted
: Contrahent, Contraindicant, Contraindicate, Contraindicated, Contraindicating, Contraindication, Contralto, Contramure, Contranatural, Contraplex
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary