Vocabulary : Coop to Cooperation
Coop : A barrel or cask for liquor. ;; An inclosure for keeping small animals; a pen; especially, a grated box for confining poultry. ;; A cart made close with boards; a tumbrel. ;; To confine in a coop; hence, to shut up or confine in a narrow compass; to cramp; -- usually followed by up, sometimes by in. ;; To work upon in the manner of a cooper.Cooped : of Coop
Coopee : See Coupe.
Cooper : One who makes barrels, hogsheads, casks, etc. ;; To do the work of a cooper upon; as, to cooper a cask or barrel. ;; Work done by a cooper in making or repairing barrels, casks, etc.; the business of a cooper.
Cooperage : Work done by a cooper. ;; The price paid for coopers; work. ;; A place where coopers' work is done.