Vocabulary : Cooperative to Coordain
Cooperative : Operating jointly to the same end.
Cooperator : One who labors jointly with others to promote the same end.
Coopered : of Cooper
Coopering : of Cooper
Coopery : Relating to a cooper; coopered. ;; The occupation of a cooper.
Cooping : of Coop
Coopt : To choose or elect in concert with another.
Cooptate : To choose; to elect; to coopt.
Cooptation : The act of choosing; selection; choice.
Coordain : To ordain or appoint for some purpose along with another.
: Coordinance, Coordinate, Coordinated, Coordinately, Coordinateness, Coordinating, Coordination, Coordinative, Coot, Cooter
: Coop, Cooped, Coopee, Cooper, Cooperage, Cooperant, Cooperate, Cooperated, Cooperating, Cooperation
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary