Vocabulary : Corrode to Corrosibleness
Corrode : To eat away by degrees; to wear away or diminish by gradually separating or destroying small particles of, as by action of a strong acid or a caustic alkali. ;; To consume; to wear away; to prey upon; to impair. ;; To have corrosive action; to be subject to corrosion.
Corroded : of Corrode
Corrodent : Corrosive. ;; Anything that corrodes.
Corrodiate : To eat away by degrees; to corrode.
Corrodibility : The quality of being corrodible.
Corrodible : Capable of being corroded; corrosible.
Corroding : of Corrode
Corrosibility : Corrodibility.
Corrosible : Corrodible.
Corrosibleness : The quality or state of being corrosible.
: Corrosion, Corrosive, Corroval, Corrovaline, Corrugant, Corrugate, Corrugated, Corrugating, Corrugation, Corrugator
: Corrivation, Corroborant, Corroborate, Corroborated, Corroborating, Corroboration, Corroborative, Corroboratory, Corroboree, Corrobory
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary