Vocabulary : Corrosion to Corrugator
Corrosion : The action or effect of corrosive agents, or the process of corrosive change; as, the rusting of iron is a variety of corrosion.Corrosive : Eating away; having the power of gradually wearing, changing, or destroying the texture or substance of a body; as, the corrosive action of an acid. ;; Having the quality of fretting or vexing. ;; That which has the quality of eating or wearing away gradually. ;; That which has the power of fretting or irritating.
Corroval : A dark brown substance of vegetable origin, allied to curare, and used by the natives of New Granada as an arrow poison.
Corrovaline : A poisonous alkaloid extracted from corroval, and characterized by its immediate action in paralyzing the heart.
Corrugant : Having the power of contracting into wrinkles.