Vocabulary : Co-sufferer to Coteau
Co-sufferer : One who suffers with another.
Cosupreme : A partaker of supremacy; one jointly supreme.
Cosureties : of Cosurety
Cosurety : One who is surety with another.
Cosy : See Cozy.
Cot : A small house; a cottage or hut. ;; A pen, coop, or like shelter for small domestic animals, as for sheep or pigeons; a cote. ;; A cover or sheath; as, a roller cot (the clothing of a drawing roller in a spinning frame); a cot for a sore finger. ;; A small, rudely-formed boat. ;; A sleeping place of limited size; a little bed; a cradle; a piece of canvas extended by a frame, used as a bed.
Cotangent : The tangent of the complement of an arc or angle. See Illust. of Functions.
Cotarnine : A white, crystalline substance, C12H13NO3, obtained as a product of the decomposition of narcotine. It has weak basic properties, and is usually regarded as an alkaloid.
Cote : A cottage or hut. ;; A shed, shelter, or inclosure for small domestic animals, as for sheep or doves. ;; To go side by side with; hence, to pass by; to outrun and get before; as, a dog cotes a hare. ;; To quote.
Coteau : A hilly upland including the divide between two valleys; a divide. ;; The side of a valley.
: Coteaux, Cotemporaneous, Cotemporaries, Cotemporary, Cotenant, Coterie, Coterminous, Cotgare, Cothurn, Cothurnate
: Costless, Costlewe, Costliness, Costly, Costmary, Coston lights, Costotome, Costrel, Costume, Costumer
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary