Vocabulary : Coteaux to Cothurnate
Coteaux : of Coteau
Cotemporaneous : Living or being at the same time; contemporaneous.
Cotemporaries : of Cotemporary
Cotemporary : Living or being at the same time; contemporary. ;; One who lives at the same time with another; a contemporary.
Cotenant : A tenant in common, or a joint tenant.
Coterie : A set or circle of persons who meet familiarly, as for social, literary, or other purposes; a clique.
Coterminous : Bordering; conterminous; -- followed by with.
Cotgare : Refuse wool.
Cothurn : A buskin anciently used by tragic actors on the stage; hence, tragedy in general.
Cothurnate : Alt. of Cothurnated
: Cothurnated, Cothurnus, Coticular, Cotidal, Cotillion, Cotillon, Cotinga, Cotise, Cotised, Cotland
: Co-sufferer, Cosupreme, Cosureties, Cosurety, Cosy, Cot, Cotangent, Cotarnine, Cote, Coteau
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary