Vocabulary : Cottonade to Cottony
Cottonade : A somewhat stout and thick fabric of cotton.
Cottonary : Relating to, or composed of, cotton; cottony.
Cottonous : Resembling cotton.
Cottonseed : The seed of the cotton plant.
Cottonseed meal : A meal made from hulled cotton seeds after the oil has been expressed.
Cottonseed oil : A fixed, semidrying oil extracted from cottonseed. It is pale yellow when pure (sp. gr., .92-.93). and is extensively used in soap making, in cookery, and as an adulterant of other oils.
Cottontail : The American wood rabbit (Lepus sylvaticus); -- also called Molly cottontail.
Cottonweed : See Cudweed.
Cottonwood : An American tree of the genus Populus or poplar, having the seeds covered with abundant cottonlike hairs; esp., the P. monilifera and P. angustifolia of the Western United States.
Cottony : Covered with hairs or pubescence, like cotton; downy; nappy; woolly. ;; Of or pertaining to cotton; resembling cotton in appearance or character; soft, like cotton.
: Cottrel, Cotyla, Cotyle, Cotyledon, Cotyledonal, Cotyledonary, Cotyledonous, Cotyliform, Cotyligerous, Cotyloid
: Cotter, Cottier, Cottise, Cottised, Cottoid, Cottolene, Cotton, Cotton batting, Cotton seed, Cotton State
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary