Vocabulary : Cottrel to Cotyloid
Cottrel : A trammel, or hook to support a pot over a fire.
Cotyla : Alt. of Cotyle
Cotyle : A cuplike cavity or organ. Same as Acetabulum.
Cotyledon : One of the patches of villi found in some forms of placenta. ;; A leaf borne by the caulicle or radicle of an embryo; a seed leaf.
Cotyledonal : Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a cotyledon.
Cotyledonary : Having a cotyledon; tufted; as, the cotyledonary placenta of the cow.
Cotyledonous : Of or pertaining to a cotyledon or cotyledons; having a seed lobe.
Cotyliform : Shaped like a cotyle or a cup.
Cotyligerous : Having cotyles.
Cotyloid : Shaped like a cup; as, the cotyloid cavity, which receives the head of the thigh bone. ;; Pertaining to a cotyloid cavity; as, the cotyloid ligament, or notch.
: Couage, Coucal, Couch, Couch grass, Couchancy, Couchant, Couche, Couched, Couchee, Coucher
: Cottonade, Cottonary, Cottonous, Cottonseed, Cottonseed meal, Cottonseed oil, Cottontail, Cottonweed, Cottonwood, Cottony
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary