Vocabulary : Crimosin to Crimpy

Crimosin : See Crimson.
Crimp : To fold or plait in regular undulation in such a way that the material will retain the shape intended; to give a wavy appearance to; as, to crimp the border of a cap; to crimp a ruffle. Cf. Crisp. ;; To pinch and hold; to seize. ;; to entrap into the military or naval service; as, to crimp seamen. ;; To cause to contract, or to render more crisp, as the flesh of a fish, by gashing it, when living, with a knife; as, to crimp skate, etc. ;; Easily crumbled; friable; brittle. ;; Weak; inconsistent; contradictory. ;; A coal broker. ;; One who decoys or entraps men into the military or naval service. ;; A keeper of a low lodging house where sailors and emigrants are entrapped and fleeced. ;; Hair which has been crimped; -- usually in pl. ;; A game at cards. ;; In cartridge making, to fold the edge of (a cartridge case) inward so as to close the mouth partly and confine the charge.
Crimpage : The act or practice of crimping; money paid to a crimp for shipping or enlisting men.
Crimped : of Crimp
Crimper : One who, or that which, crimps ;; A curved board or frame over which the upper of a boot or shoe is stretched to the required shape. ;; A device for giving hair a wavy appearance. ;; A machine for crimping or ruffling textile fabrics.
Crimping : of Crimp
Crimple : To cause to shrink or draw together; to contract; to curl.
Crimpled : of Crimple
Crimpling : of Crimple
Crimpy : Having a crimped appearance; frizzly; as, the crimpy wool of the Saxony sheep.
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