Vocabulary : Crimson to Crinel
Crimson : A deep red color tinged with blue; also, red color in general. ;; Of a deep red color tinged with blue; deep red. ;; To dye with crimson or deep red; to redden. ;; To become crimson; to blush.
Crimsoned : of Crimson
Crimsoning : of Crimson
Crinal : Of or pertaining to the hair.
Crinated : Having hair; hairy.
Crinatory : Crinitory.
Crincum : A twist or bend; a turn; a whimsey.
Crincum-crancum : A twist; a whimsey or whim.
Crined : Having the hair of a different tincture from the rest of the body; as, a charge crined of a red tincture.
Crinel : Alt. of Crinet
: Crinet, Cringe, Cringeling, Cringer, Cringing, Cringingly, Cringle, Crinicultural, Crinigerous, Crinital
: Crimosin, Crimp, Crimpage, Crimped, Crimper, Crimping, Crimple, Crimpled, Crimpling, Crimpy
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary