Vocabulary : Crinet to Crinital
Crinet : A very fine, hairlike feather.
Cringe : To draw one's self together as in fear or servility; to bend or crouch with base humility; to wince; hence; to make court in a degrading manner; to fawn. ;; To contract; to draw together; to cause to shrink or wrinkle; to distort. ;; Servile civility; fawning; a shrinking or bowing, as in fear or servility.
Cringeling : One who cringes meanly; a fawner.
Cringer : One who cringes.
Cringing : of Cringe
Cringingly : In a cringing manner.
Cringle : A withe for fastening a gate. ;; An iron or pope thimble or grommet worked into or attached to the edges and corners of a sail; -- usually in the plural. The cringles are used for making fast the bowline bridles, earings, etc.
Crinicultural : Relating to the growth of hair.
Crinigerous : Bearing hair; hairy.
Crinital : Same as Crinite, 1.
: Crinite, Crinitory, Crinkle, Crinkled, Crinkling, Crinkly, Crinoid, Crinoidal, Crinoidea, Crinoidean
: Crimson, Crimsoned, Crimsoning, Crinal, Crinated, Crinatory, Crincum, Crincum-crancum, Crined, Crinel
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary