Vocabulary : Crofton system to Cromorna
Crofton system : A system of prison discipline employing for consecutive periods cellular confinement, associated imprisonment under the mark system, restraint intermediate between imprisonment and freedom, and liberation on ticket of leave.
Crois : See Cross, n.
Croisade : Alt. of Croisado
Croisado : A holy war; a crusade.
Croise : A pilgrim bearing or wearing a cross. ;; A crusader.
Croissante : Terminated with crescent; -- said of a cross the ends of which are so terminated.
Croker : A cultivator of saffron; a dealer in saffron.
Croma : A quaver.
Cromlech : A monument of rough stones composed of one or more large ones supported in a horizontal position upon others. They are found chiefly in countries inhabited by the ancient Celts, and are of a period anterior to the introduction of Christianity into these countries.
Cromorna : A certain reed stop in the organ, of a quality of tone resembling that of the oboe.
: Crone, Cronel, Cronet, Cronian, Cronies, Cronstedtite, Crony, Croodle, Crook, Crookack
: Crocoisite, Crocoite, Croconate, Croconic, Crocose, Crocus, Croesus, Croft, Crofter, Croftland
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary