Vocabulary : Crone to Crookack
Crone : An old ewe. ;; An old woman; -- usually in contempt. ;; An old man; especially, a man who talks and acts like an old woman.
Cronel : The iron head of a tilting spear.
Cronet : The coronet of a horse.
Cronian : Saturnian; -- applied to the North Polar Sea.
Cronies : of Crony
Cronstedtite : A mineral consisting principally of silicate of iron, and crystallizing in hexagonal prisms with perfect basal cleavage; -- so named from the Swedish mineralogist Cronstedt.
Crony : A crone. ;; An intimate companion; a familiar frend
Croodle : To cower or cuddle together, as from fear or cold; to lie close and snug together, as pigs in straw. ;; To fawn or coax. ;; To coo.
Crook : A bend, turn, or curve; curvature; flexure. ;; Any implement having a bent or crooked end. ;; The staff used by a shepherd, the hook of which serves to hold a runaway sheep. ;; A bishop's staff of office. Cf. Pastoral staff. ;; A pothook. ;; An artifice; trick; tricky device; subterfuge. ;; A small tube, usually curved, applied to a trumpet, horn, etc., to change its pitch or key. ;; A person given to fraudulent practices; an accomplice of thieves, forgers, etc. ;; To turn from a straight line; to bend; to curve. ;; To turn from the path of rectitude; to pervert; to misapply; to twist. ;; To bend; to curve; to wind; to have a curvature.
Crookack : Hunched.
: Crookback, Crookbill, Crooked, Crookedly, Crookedness, Crooken, Crookes space, Crookes tube, Crooking, Crookneck
: Crofton system, Crois, Croisade, Croisado, Croise, Croissante, Croker, Croma, Cromlech, Cromorna
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary