Vocabulary : Crookback to Crookneck
Crookback : A crooked back; one who has a crooked or deformed back; a hunchback.
Crookbill : A New Zealand plover (Anarhynchus frontalis), remarkable for having the end of the beak abruptly bent to the right.
Crooked : of Crook ;; Characterized by a crook or curve; not straight; turning; bent; twisted; deformed. ;; Not straightforward; deviating from rectitude; distorted from the right. ;; False; dishonest; fraudulent; as, crooked dealings.
Crookedly : In a curved or crooked manner; in a perverse or untoward manner.
Crookedness : The condition or quality of being crooked; hence, deformity of body or of mind; deviation from moral rectitude; perverseness.
Crooken : To make crooked.
Crookes space : The dark space within the negative-pole glow at the cathode of a vacuum tube, observed only when the pressure is low enough to give a striated discharge; -- called also Crookes layer.
Crookes tube : A vacuum tube in which the exhaustion is carried to a very high degree, with the production of a distinct class of effects; -- so called from W. Crookes who introduced it.
Crooking : of Crook
Crookneck : Either of two varieties of squash, distinguished by their tapering, recurved necks. The summer crookneck is botanically a variety of the pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) and matures early in the season. It is pale yellow in color, with warty excrescences. The winter crookneck belongs to a distinct species (C. moschata) and is smooth and often striped.
: Croon, Crooned, Crooning, Crop, Crope, Crop-ear, Crop-eared, Cropful, Cropped, Cropper
: Crone, Cronel, Cronet, Cronian, Cronies, Cronstedtite, Crony, Croodle, Crook, Crookack
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary