Vocabulary : Cubbing to Cubhood
Cubbing : of Cub
Cubbridge-head : A bulkhead on the forecastle and half deck of a ship.
Cubby : Alt. of Cubbyhole
Cubbyhole : A snug or confined place.
Cubdrawn : Sucked by cubs.
Cube : A regular solid body, with six equal square sides. ;; The product obtained by taking a number or quantity three times as a factor; as, 4x4=16, and 16x4=64, the cube of 4. ;; To raise to the third power; to obtain the cube of.
Cubeb : The small, spicy berry of a species of pepper (Piper Cubeba; in med., Cubeba officinalis), native in Java and Borneo, but now cultivated in various tropical countries. The dried unripe fruit is much used in medicine as a stimulant and purgative.
Cubebic : Pertaining to, or derived from, cubebs; as, cubebic acid (a soft olive-green resin extracted from cubebs).
Cubed : of Cube
Cubhood : The state of being a cub.
: Cubic, Cubical, Cubically, Cubicalness, Cubicle, Cubicular, Cubiform, Cubile, Cubilose, Cubing
: Ctenophore, Ctenophoric, Ctenophorous, Ctenostomata, Cub, Cuban, Cubation, Cubatory, Cubature, Cubbed
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary