Vocabulary : Cubic to Cubing
Cubic : Alt. of Cubical ;; A curve of the third degree.
Cubical : Having the form or properties of a cube; contained, or capable of being contained, in a cube. ;; Isometric or monometric; as, cubic cleavage. See Crystallization.
Cubically : In a cubical method.
Cubicalness : The quality of being cubical.
Cubicle : A loding room; esp., a sleeping place partitioned off from a large dormitory.
Cubicular : Belonging to a chamber or bedroom.
Cubiform : Of the form of a cube.
Cubile : The lowest course of stones in a building.
Cubilose : A mucilagenous secretion of certain birds found as the characteristic ingredient of edible bird's-nests.
Cubing : of Cube
: Cubism, Cubit, Cubital, Cubited, Cubless, Cuboid, Cuboidal, Cubo-octahedral, Cubo-octahedron, Cuca
: Cubbing, Cubbridge-head, Cubby, Cubbyhole, Cubdrawn, Cube, Cubeb, Cubebic, Cubed, Cubhood
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