Vocabulary : Cupful to Cupper
Cupful : As much as a cup will hold.
Cupfuls : of Cupful
Cup-gall : A kind of oak-leaf gall. See Gall.
Cupid : The god of love, son of Venus; usually represented as a naked, winged boy with bow and arrow.
Cupidity : A passionate desire; love. ;; Eager or inordinate desire, especially for wealth; greed of gain; avarice; covetousness
Cup-moss : A kind of lichen, of the genus Cladonia.
Cupola : A roof having a rounded form, hemispherical or nearly so; also, a ceiling having the same form. When on a large scale it is usually called dome. ;; A small structure standing on the top of a dome; a lantern. ;; A furnace for melting iron or other metals in large quantity, -- used chiefly in foundries and steel works. ;; A revolving shot-proof turret for heavy ordnance. ;; The top of the spire of the cochlea of the ear.
Cupolas : of Cupola
Cupped : of Cup
Cupper : One who performs the operation of cupping.
: Cupping, Cuppy, Cupreous, Cupric, Cupriferous, Cuprite, Cuproid, Cup-rose, Cuprous, Cuprum
: Cunningman, Cunningness, Cup, Cup shake, Cupbearer, Cupboard, Cupel, Cupellation, Cupelled, Cupelling
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary