Vocabulary : Cupping to Cuprum

Cupping : of Cup ;; The operation of drawing blood to or from the surface of the person by forming a partial vacuum over the spot. Also, sometimes, a similar operation for drawing pus from an abscess.
Cuppy : Hollow; cuplike; also, full of cups, or small depressions. ;; Characterized by cup shakes; -- said of timber.
Cupreous : Consisting of copper or resembling copper; coppery.
Cupric : Of, pertaining to, or derived from, copper; containing copper; -- said of those compounds of copper in which this element is present in its lowest proportion.
Cupriferous : Containing copper; as, cupriferous silver.
Cuprite : The red oxide of copper; red copper; an important ore of copper, occurring massive and in isometric crystals.
Cuproid : A solid related to a tetrahedron, and contained under twelve equal triangles.
Cup-rose : Red poppy. See Cop-rose.
Cuprous : Of, pertaining to, or derived from, copper; containing copper; -- said of those compounds of copper in which this element is present in its highest proportion.
Cuprum : Copper.
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