Vocabulary : Curtelasse to Curule

Curtelasse : A corruption of Cutlass.
Curtes : Courteous.
Curtesies : of Curtesy
Curtesy : the life estate which a husband has in the lands of his deceased wife, which by the common law takes effect where he has had issue by her, born alive, and capable of inheriting the lands.
Curtilage : A yard, courtyard, or piece of ground, included within the fence surrounding a dwelling house.
Curtle ax : Alt. of Curtelasse
Curtly : In a curt manner.
Curtness : The quality of bing curt.
Curtsy : Same as Courtesy, an act of respect.
Curule : Of or pertaining to a chariot. ;; Of or pertaining to a kind of chair appropriated to Roman magistrates and dignitaries; pertaining to, having, or conferring, the right to sit in the curule chair; hence, official.
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