Vocabulary : Cururo to Curved

Cururo : A Chilian burrowing rodent of the genus Spalacopus.
Curval : Alt. of Curvant
Curvant : Bowed; bent; curved.
Curvate : Alt. of Curvated
Curvated : Bent in a regular form; curved.
Curvation : The act of bending or crooking.
Curvative : Having the margins only a little curved; -- said of leaves.
Curvature : The act of curving, or the state of being bent or curved; a curving or bending, normal or abnormal, as of a line or surface from a rectilinear direction; a bend; a curve. ;; The amount of degree of bending of a mathematical curve, or the tendency at any point to depart from a tangent drawn to the curve at that point.
Curve : Bent without angles; crooked; curved; as, a curve line; a curve surface. ;; A bending without angles; that which is bent; a flexure; as, a curve in a railway or canal. ;; A line described according to some low, and having no finite portion of it a straight line. ;; To bend; to crook; as, to curve a line; to curve a pipe; to cause to swerve from a straight course; as, to curve a ball in pitching it. ;; To bend or turn gradually from a given direction; as, the road curves to the right.
Curved : of Curve
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