Vocabulary : Deluding to Delve
Deluding : of Delude
Deluge : A washing away; an overflowing of the land by water; an inundation; a flood; specifically, The Deluge, the great flood in the days of Noah (Gen. vii.). ;; Fig.: Anything which overwhelms, or causes great destruction. ;; To overflow with water; to inundate; to overwhelm. ;; To overwhelm, as with a deluge; to cover; to overspread; to overpower; to submerge; to destroy; as, the northern nations deluged the Roman empire with their armies; the land is deluged with woe.
Deluged : of Deluge
Deluging : of Deluge
Delundung : An East Indian carnivorous mammal (Prionodon gracilis), resembling the civets, but without scent pouches. It is handsomely spotted.
Delusion : The act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind. ;; The state of being deluded or misled. ;; That which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief.
Delusional : Of or pertaining to delusions; as, delusional monomania.
Delusive : Apt or fitted to delude; tending to mislead the mind; deceptive; beguiling; delusory; as, delusive arts; a delusive dream.
Delusory : Delusive; fallacious.
Delve : To dig; to open (the ground) as with a spade. ;; To dig into; to penetrate; to trace out; to fathom. ;; To dig or labor with a spade, or as with a spade; to labor as a drudge. ;; A place dug; a pit; a ditch; a den; a cave.
: Delved, Delver, Delving, Demagnetize, Demagog, Demagogic, Demagogical, Demagogism, Demagogue, Demagogy
: Deltas, Delthyris, Deltic, Deltidium, Deltohedron, Deltoid, Deludable, Delude, Deluded, Deluder
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary